
What can I do to help fight global warming?

There are many steps
you can take right now to cut
global warming pollution

Pulling out the electrical outlet such as television, mobile phone charger, when you are not using so you can save electric power consumption.

Drive less. When possible, choose alternatives to driving (public transit, biking, walking, carpooling), and bundle your errands together so you'll make fewer trips.

Bring your own fan. even the increasing only one degree of set temperature of air conditioner connects to the stopping global warming. In addition, staying in the very cold room is not good for your health.

Bring own shopping bag when you go to shopping. When you burn plastic bag, it will produce carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide and other air pollution that is collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up.

Bring your own chopstick when you go to the restaurants. Using a disposable chopstick sounds convenient. However, this is the symbol of MASS CONSUMPTION SOCIETY. When you have your own chopstick, you can use it many times.


Global Warming Quiz Let's become a global warming professor!!

1. What is Ozone?

a) Related to Oxygen
b) A pollutant
c) An important part of atmosphere
d) All of the above

The correct answer is d)
Atmospheric ozone blocks ultraviolet rays; ground-level
ozone is a component pf smog.

2. What does not contribute to the greenhouse effect?

a) Methane from livestock
b) The hole in the ozone layer
c) Industrial pollutants
d) Auto Emissions

The correct answer is b)
The atmosphere traps heat from the sun, much like a greenhouse.
The ozone hole lets harmful ultraviolet rays in.

3. Which activity does not reduce global warming?

a) Using a dishwasher
b) Using a power strip for electronics
c) Driving an electric car
d) Leaving a computer on

The correct answer is d)
Leaving a computer on
Save money and reduce emissions by turning

electronics off when not in use.

4. Does global warming mean that every place on Earth is getting warmer?

a) No, just summers are warmer
b) No, but world average is rising
c) Yes, every spot on Earth is hotter
d) No, only certain spots

The correct answer is b)
Expert estimate that the average temperature will

rise 2.5 to 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100.

What we (NGO) are Doing?

NGO Recommended Movie

NGO is doing great work not only on educating the public but on getting nuts-and-bolts reforms to favor wind farms, biofuels and smart grids. Also, it looks like these local/regional groups are increasingly cohering into a networked movement to create national change in the U.S. and Canada.


Futurama -A solution for global warming.......-

NGO Project - Warm Biz-

During winter 2005, there was talk on many of the major news networks of promoting a Warm Biz style for winter,suggesting that people wear heavy turtleneck shirts instead of a tie and collar.Warm Biz was notendorsed by the Japanese government,however, and the idea did not gather much support.

NGO project -Cool Biz-

The Japanese Ministry of the Environment (MOE) began advocating the Cool Biz campaign in summer 2005 as a means to help save energy by limiting air conditioning. According to the Environment Ministry, central government ministries were to set air conditioner temperatures at 28°C until September. The Cool Biz dress code advises workers to starch collars so they stand up and to wear trousers made from materials that breathe and absorb moisture.Additionally, workers are encouraged to wear short sleeved shirts without jackets or ties.


What benefits will Carbon Trading bring?

The benefits to the general community of trading emission reduction/offset certificates in a market include: the reduction in overall cost of meeting emission reduction targets, as mentioned above;
the progressively improved definition of a "price" for carbon, particularly as the market becomes more liquid and active, and assuming that all carbon certificate products are fungible, meaning that they are equivalent ways of addressing emission reduction;
the opportunity to generate income from activities that previously attracted no additional revenue, such as investment in emission reduction, renewable energy generation, greenhouse friendly fuels and carbon sequestration; the ability to use revenue from carbon sequestration to help fund additional planting of trees and other vegetation, for benefits such as salinity amelioration, biodiversity enhancement, conversion to greenhouse gas friendly fuels and energy, and employment and wealth creation in rural areas.