
What will happen if global warming continues? -3-

Want of Food
We will suffer from a want of food. The global warming will change the climate of the earth as never before. That means some places have more rainfall and the other places have lesser rainfall than before; therefore, the danger of flood damage and lack of water will be more seriousness. It will also affect the farming and the fishery a lot. The production of provision will extremely decrease and the change of current will cause a shortage of seafood. Many people who live in a poor country already starve to death. If the climate changes, they will be more hunted down. Besides that, Japan imports a lot of foods form other countries. If that countries are affected by flooding or drought and their productions of eating reduce, they will not sell provisions to Japan. We will not able to get enough foods if the global warming gets worse and we may scramble for them.

This is what is happining in Africa......


What will happen if global warming continues? -2-

Enviromental Effect

Another effect is that many kinds of animals and plants will become extinct. In 1998, the temperature of sea all over the world rose remarkably; therefore, about 27% of coral in the world was dead (JCCCA). Also, white bears and penguins which live in the North and South Pole are tortured by global warming because the numbers of glaciers have decreased. All the animals are not able to survive with a severe change in the weather. If the global warming gets worse, some kinds of plants and animals become extinct because they can’t move to new homes by themselves which have better climate for them. Even they have abilities to fly, some of them will lose all means of escape; therefore number of them will reduce. After hundreds of years, the entire animals include human beings may disappear from the earth.


What will happen if global warming continues? -1-


The most awful effect of global warming is a rise of sea level. Glaciers everywhere in the world include: North Pole and South Pole have been shrinking throughout the 20th Century. It was noted that in the Arctic, glacier is shrinking at a rate of 14,000 square miles annually (Eco Bridge).This could be a signal of rapid global warming. If glaciers melt, the sea level of the earth will rise. What does it occur when the seal level changes? The result is, all the islands around the world which have the low lands will sink in the ocean. Even the cities in Tokyo: Sumida and Edogawa Ward will be destroyed by the sea. People who live in that areas have nowhere to live. The earth will become a lack of place to live. In the future, we may have to build a house on the sea and use a boat for a vehicle instead of a car.


What are greenhouse gases and what is the greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse Effect


What causes global warming?Many scientists now believe that global warming is caused by human activities. Cutting down trees, producing more trash, and polluting the environment are some of the reasons that the temperature has gone up. Many scientists believe that the biggest causes of global warming are new human technologies that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

What is the difference between climate and weather?

What is CLIMATE?? What is WEATHER??

What is the difference between climate and weather?Weather is the word that describes conditions in the atmosphere (such as temperature, precipitation, wind and cloudiness) at a specific time for a specific place. For example, when someone asks, "What's the weather like outside?" he or she wants to know what is going on in a certain area at that moment.

Climate is what you get when you summarize the weather for a long period of time. Even though California might have rainy weather one day, its average weather over the entire year is still dry and mild. Scientists who study global warming look at the big picture. They look at how rising temperatures will affect the earth's climate.


Inro.(What is Global Warming??)

“It’s so hot today!”

Earth has warmed by about 0.6 degrees over the past 100 years.You will notice that the weather has been changed when you compare it with that of ten years before.

As defined by Wikipedia, global warming is “the increases in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans that have been observed in recent decades”. Scientists are not exactly sure why and how global warming has been occurred. However they found out that global warming not only increases the average temperature, but also causes a lot of effects on the earth.

I can say that the global warming becomes
one of the serious problems which we are facing now.

NGO Group (◎д◎ ))ゝ Let's save the earth from global warming!!

This is our group members(@°▽°@)♪

♡Mai, Mi-na,Ayaka
We chose global warming because global warming has been picked up by Media lately. And also we wanted to know if global warming deteriorates what will happen and what will change in our daily life. By learning global warming we hope that we can do something to prevent it and hope that this blog will make you think about global warming more seriously.
Our main theme is teaching what is global warming and
how to save the earth from the fear of global warming!